It’s the Great Pumpkin, Mickey Mouse.

So Halloween has now become a challenge for me – what will Charlie dream up to wear and how in the world will I make it possible? Last year she requested a “pink dinosaur”. Let me just tell you – I searched high and low for that costume and finally found one on eBay. This year, she was waffling, one day it would be Blu, the bird from “Rio”, one day it would be Lightning McQueen, one day she even told me she wanted to be a “blackbird”. ??? Strange little mind, that one.

I finally made her narrow her list down and she chose Mickey Mouse. Not too difficult, especially when I was in The Disney Store and came across the most fabulous Mickey you’d find. Complete the ensemble with a black tee, black leggings, yellow Crocs and Voila:


And sweet Ella – well, I’m afraid she’s still at the age where she has no choice, so:

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My reluctant Minnie won’t keep the ears on to save her life. Here’s hoping I can sneak some type of pic on Monday.

I leave you with a spooky Halloween tale: one that will make your teeth chatter and your knees knock. One of a trip through madness and possibly, candy addiction??

Both girls had parties yesterday, Charlie in the morning and Ella at 2. At the end of the day, I chose to hit Ella’s party first and then walk over to pick Charlie up instead of my normal way, which is to pick my mostly independent child up first and then park as close as possible to the toddler building so I don’t have to carry my mostly always screaming crankypants baby too far to the car. This would probably be fine THIS ONE TIME except for the fact that Ella ONLY wants to walk. She doesn’t want to go in the stroller, or be carried, anymore, period.

And did I mention she’s SLOW??? Bless her heart, her little legs only move so fast – not super conducive to racing to be somewhere (as I am want to do).

I look up at the clock and realize we have 5 minutes to collect her things and haul a** over to the “big” building to Charlie. So we start the long, slow walk and of course I get impatient and try to pick her up to which she starts screaming bloody murder. Keep in mind I have her backpack, her napmat, and her Halloween treat bag – and I’m starting to sweat. Because it’s 60 degrees and I’m wearing a scarf AND hat. I know.

I steel my resolve at the door and just try to make it out alive head into the building and up the stairs. We grab Charlie and her backpack, napmat, and Halloween treat bag and make the long, slow walk back down the stairs and outside.

At this point I’m sweating like a house on fire and ruing Halloween and my children. I order Charlie to stay right behind me crossing the parking lot (as I have no hands for her to hold) and again put my screaming toddler in the football hold and finally make it to the car. By the time I get them both strapped into their carseats I need a stiff drink and a ride to the loony bin. Because I am just that much of a multi-tasker.

I’ve been drinking ever since. Oh, and bingeing on Reese’s Piece’s and mini Twix’s, as I am want to do this time of year.

Happy Halloween, to you and yours!!

I’m linking up with Tracy at Sellabit Mum and Jessica at Four Plus an Angel!! Grab the button and join the fun!!

responses to “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Mickey Mouse.” 8

  1. I do my best never to have to rush…I usually leave copious amounts of time to do anything or get anywhere…but sometimes things don't line up and I HATE it. I don't handle it well. Far. too. stressful. So I feel ya.

    Also, am I a total dork? I couldn't find a way to follow your blog. I'm an actress/mommy too. We may have a lot in common.

    Happy Halloween.

  2. hey gals! happy halloween to y'all too! 🙂 christine, i think i figured it out – so looking forward to checking out your blogs!

  3. So cute and love the coordinated costumes, I'm doing that with mine for as long as they will go for it.
    And the football hold… the best escape plan with a toddler. Wine to follow, of course.
    Thanks for linking up!

  4. Oh my word adorable! I need to get my kids a warm costume like that – it is so damn cold here and mine will be freezing in sleeveless stuff lol

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