We Ain’t in Illinois Anymore.

So I’ve been having MAJOR pumpkin patch withdrawal here in Tejas.  I’ve searched high and low, and come pretty close, to finding one akin to the kind they grow in the Midwest, but alas – even if they get the rides and the corn maze right – the apple cider donuts are nowhere to be found.  And I loves me some apple cider donuts. We made a day out of it last weekend – pumpkin patching it, that is – and settled on a little farm in East Texas, Yesterland Farm.  It was super cute.  I thought it would be overrun with crowds, but it wasn’t, so yeah for that.  It wasn’t hot yet and my parents even met us there, which thrilled C to no end.  Baby Ella on the other hand, was being her prickly toddler-ey self, refusing any and all snacks we offered her, not wanting to be held or put down – basically acting like the 16 year old-trapped-in-an-almost-2-year-old’s-body that she is. Despite her best efforts at grouchiness, we managed to get some pretty good pics: 10-1-2011 002 Turns out that corn dogs will cure any malady – that is, until said corn dog is dropped in the dirt and rendered inedible.  10-1-2016 But we pressed on – wearing matching “vintage” (2008, like a fine wine) Matilda Jane knot dresses.  Ella’s was C’s when she was almost 2.  Aw, nom nom nom little pudgy-legged crankypants, I love ya. C’s dress was an eBay find.  I’m such a good hunter and gatherer. 10-1-2011 007 C posing in front of a wagon filled with pumpkins.  10-1-2011 001 Like two little old ladies – sitting in their rockers down on the farm.  Or a Cracker Barrel, maybe? 10-1-2011 009 And in this pic you’ll note the brand new penguin converse.  Why I put new shoes on her to tromp around in the dirt, I don’t know – BUT again, I am such a good hunter and gatherer.  10-1-2011 010 And finally…the face-painting.  So I guess the lady drew too long of a tail and made Charlie a dino moostash.  And then she over-compensated by painting an extra long neck on the long-neck.  I’m all for doing fun stuff like this, but I have to say – I was pretty happy it washed off quickly because it was kinda…well…weird.  But of course, the girlie loved it and wanted to know why she couldn’t “wear the dino to school”.  Because, my darling, you look like you have a DINO MOOSTASH. 10-1-2011 012 And so, to conclude, no donuts.  No apple butter, no apple streusel, no fresh pies and no apple pancake mix.  I know, I know – it’s fall and I’m apple-obsessed.  It’s probably a good thing because I’ve been baking and eating too much pumpkin ice cream.  See why I need to bank in an extra five pounds during the holiday season?  I’m helpless against the powers of baked goods/all things peppermint-flavored/salted caramel mocha’s!!  Gah!!

responses to “We Ain’t in Illinois Anymore.” 3

  1. Her dino makes me think of a Britney Spears mic. Lauren likes to take a juice box straw extended from ear to mouth and talk to herself. Love those knot dresses!!

  2. Amanda this post made me laugh out loud girl! That dino stash is HILARIOUS! And your recap of the days activities equally entertaining! 🙂 The girls are adorbs. And p.s. totally feel you on the pumpkin and apple love—- you just can't deny your fall like yearnings this time of year!

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