Oh, Pantry.

Oh Sweet Lord, I fear I am losing all self-control.  I am *this* close to hitting my “goal” weight.  *This* close.  And I have a killer dress to wear on New Year’s – the first year we are going out since before Charlie was born.  SO IT HAS TO FIT.  But my sweet tooth is conspiring against me, and I may not be able to keep it together.  I’m trying SO hard to track everything – but of course I brought back all kinds of goodies from Chicago (including Garrett’s popcorn) and they are calling to me.  Or should I say, my PANTRY is calling to me. I’ve told you before that she and I had become quite involved.  I almost had to break up with her after Halloween.  She wouldn’t keep her mini Kit-Kat’s out of my face.  You’d think she wouldn’t be such a show-off.  So, ok, I need to come clean because I just had a rendezvous with her and might have eaten some peppermint bark, a chocolate-covered Oreo, and a fourth of a pan of brownies.  My name is Amanda, and I’m a holiday food-aholic.  There.  I said it.  Helllllp meeeeeeeee.