You’d better Werk!

So if you had told me a year ago that I would be getting paid to write, I would’ve thought you were crazy.  Like I’ve said a million times before, I’ve always been a writer in my own mind.  But when you’re solely focused on one thing for years, it’s hard to ever think you will do anything else.  It’s been almost a year since I told Vann that what I wanted for my birthday was to buy my own domain, have someone redesign my blog, make it really about me and what goes on inside this nutty head of mine.  He said, “Easy enough” (and was probably relieved I didn’t want something with a certain monogram on it) and was born.  Not long after that I started getting more involved with my MOPS group and got brave enough to actually meet some girls.  I remember chatting with my friend Jen one day about the company she had started.  She told me a bit about it – social media marketing and website development, among many other things – and I guess God planted a teeny kernel in my heart.  At the end of the summer she sent me an email.  She wanted me to write some Facebook prompts for an event one of her clients was having – a written interview, if you will. I immediately called Vann at work and completely panicked.  What in the heck was I supposed to do with this?  There’s no way she could possibly be interested in me.  No way.  Fortunately I married a man who is not only insanely supportive of anything I set out to do, but a Master in Communications – literally, from Northwestern University, and in his career – I mean, that is what he does for a living.  He will always downplay his many talents, but the truth is that he’s wicked smart and amazingly gifted with people.  Everybody loves Vann.  And he’s a fantastic listener – which I have to have because you know I spend many hours of the day talking to and about myself. Anyway, he told me that you never know where God will lead you and what a great opportunity this was to showcase what I can do.  And, hello, isn’t this what I had wished and prayed for, back in February of last year?  Be careful what you pray for, I guess. So fast forward to today and I am officially a “working” mom.  I write copy for websites, ghost write for blogs, and comprise e-newsletters for our clients…all while continuing my “hobby” of reselling the girl’s clothes on eBay and in consignment sales, serving on the steering committee of my MOPS group as head of publicity, attempting a social life and of course, most importantly, keeping my hubby and two little girls alive everyday (well, Vann can make himself a bowl of cereal, you know, so maybe he can keep himself alive – but the girls are too short to reach the milk). All of this to say – to my working mom friends – I salute you.  Because I’ve only been doing this for a few short months and I gotta tell you – I’m pooped.  It’s all great stuff – but I feel like I’m having some trouble managing my time and am nervous and sometimes worried that I’m going to get it all done.  Here’s what concerns me the most – can I be honest with you?  I’ve taken Wellbutrin since I had post-partum with Ella.  I know at some point I will need to wean off of it – but I’m scared.  With my history of depression I’m a tad nervous that all of that old anxiety and helplessness might come rushing back.  I pray that it doesn’t.  What’s great is that I know I have an awesome God who loves me and an amazing support system of wonderful friends here and back in Chicago.  I know that I will never want for true and intimate friendship and community. So there you have it.  I’m a working mom.  I get paid to write!  How cool is that?? Now if a girl could just find the time to get a pedicure!