So, what’s been going on in the Bischoff household since we found out about Baby B #2? Well, most of you know that I’ve had a pretty terrible case of morning (noon, and night) sickness. It started at about 5 weeks and has JUST now (at almost 12 weeks) started to taper off. Some mornings, I didn’t think I’d be able to get out of bed. Throw in a very active toddler, severe exhaustion, and an aversion to all things food-related, and I’ve not been a very happy camper. Not only that, but I’m 10 pounds (that’s right), 10 pounds DOWN from my pregnancy with Charlie at this time.
I only bring this up to say that it has not been an easy time for our family. Vann should receive the “Father/Husband of the Year” award for all he has done to chip in with Charlie, let alone the household chores. If you see him, give him a slap on the back and a kind word. He has been unbelievably patient and deserves a medal! I am so thankful that I am starting to feel better and have actually enjoyed some pretty tasty meals lately, one being a Mexican feast at my favorite, Uncle Julio’s.
With the weather finally getting better (although as I type this it has been raining steadily since 10 am), I am anxiously awaiting a renewal in energy and am looking forward to getting Charlie outside and in the stroller for many walks to come. Because Vann and I don’t know what the future holds for us, I am determined to enjoy our beautiful city for the time that we have it. So many fun things to do with kids and so many experiences to be had. We are amazingly blessed and we try to remember this every day.
In other news, Mimi and Poppy are coming for a visit next week! I am so excited to have my Mom here from Tuesday-Friday and can’t wait for all of the fun things we have planned. Then, on Saturday morning, we are driving out to the ‘burbs first thing in the morning to have another photo shoot with our beloved Leigh Wilcoxson. After that, it’s on to O’Hare to pick up Poppy for a weekend of sightseeing and (hopefully) great weather. Yay! Can’t Wait!!