Summer Babies

The day Mimi arrived, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and joined my friend Lauren and her baby Georgia for a brisk walk and a delicious al fresco lunch. Afterwards, we stopped into a local baby boutique and bought the girls some sunglasses. Here is an ADORABLE pic of the two “cool chicks”…

Bennet’s Dedication

What with all the festivities of Mimi and Poppy’s visit (which I will get to later), I have fallen a little behind on my blogging. Last weekend we drove out to Glen Ellyn for the dedication of little Bennet Graham, son of my good friend Amy. It was such a sweet occasion and we were able to join in the festivities afterwards at Amy and John’s house. We enjoyed some delicious burgers, hot dogs, and maybe the best cole slaw I’ve ever had, prepared by Amy’s sister, Lauren. Charlie loved Lucy, the family dog, and spent a lot of time in the driveway letting Lucy lick her all over the face.

Thanks for the hospitality, Graham family!!

An Update

So, what’s been going on in the Bischoff household since we found out about Baby B #2? Well, most of you know that I’ve had a pretty terrible case of morning (noon, and night) sickness. It started at about 5 weeks and has JUST now (at almost 12 weeks) started to taper off. Some mornings, I didn’t think I’d be able to get out of bed. Throw in a very active toddler, severe exhaustion, and an aversion to all things food-related, and I’ve not been a very happy camper. Not only that, but I’m 10 pounds (that’s right), 10 pounds DOWN from my pregnancy with Charlie at this time.

I only bring this up to say that it has not been an easy time for our family. Vann should receive the “Father/Husband of the Year” award for all he has done to chip in with Charlie, let alone the household chores. If you see him, give him a slap on the back and a kind word. He has been unbelievably patient and deserves a medal! I am so thankful that I am starting to feel better and have actually enjoyed some pretty tasty meals lately, one being a Mexican feast at my favorite, Uncle Julio’s.

With the weather finally getting better (although as I type this it has been raining steadily since 10 am), I am anxiously awaiting a renewal in energy and am looking forward to getting Charlie outside and in the stroller for many walks to come. Because Vann and I don’t know what the future holds for us, I am determined to enjoy our beautiful city for the time that we have it. So many fun things to do with kids and so many experiences to be had. We are amazingly blessed and we try to remember this every day.

In other news, Mimi and Poppy are coming for a visit next week! I am so excited to have my Mom here from Tuesday-Friday and can’t wait for all of the fun things we have planned. Then, on Saturday morning, we are driving out to the ‘burbs first thing in the morning to have another photo shoot with our beloved Leigh Wilcoxson. After that, it’s on to O’Hare to pick up Poppy for a weekend of sightseeing and (hopefully) great weather. Yay! Can’t Wait!!

Sibling Practice

Yesterday, Charlie and I spent the morning at the Petkuses. It was so sunny and lovely outside and it was wonderful to sit and visit with other ladies while Charlie did her thing. She ran around in the grass, took many rides in the car pictured below, and generally exhausted herself keeping up with the four Petkus kids. We love spending time there!! Not only are they the best and so much fun, but it has given Charlie a real “trial by fire” into the world of siblings.

Hands Up High!!

Tuesday afternoon Charlie and I took a nice stroll over to Lindsay’s house to say hi. Lindsay has a brand new “Step 2” wagon, and Ms. Megan and I had such a ball walking the girls up and down the block. They squealed with delight and we were able to do some catching up. It doesn’t hurt that it was GORGEOUS outside!!

GG’s Dedication

Mother’s Day was a great day!! After church on Sunday we had the pleasure of attending a brunch in honor of Miss Georgia Grace Speelman’s dedication at the service that morning. A dedication is when you stand before the congregation and declare that you will raise your child to know and love Jesus. You also commit to pray for your child and it’s such a sweet time to spend with family and friends. We had Charlie dedicated last year.

Charlie was a bit unruly at the beginning of brunch, but we did manage to snap some cute pics of the adorable Gymboree dress she wore for the occasion and of little Miss Georgia. Mr. Josh even showed Charlie how to stop and smell the flowers!

An Open Letter to my Hubby, Charlie, Family, and Friends

To Vann: I’m sorry that I haven’t done any dishes or vacuumed the apartment in two months. I’m sorry that I can’t be in the kitchen during dinnertime, for fear of losing my lunch. I’m sorry that you’ve been doing triple-duty, what with work, school, and Charlie. I’m sorry that all I do is lay on the couch and moan and groan about making it to the second trimester. I’m sorry that you haven’t had a real meal since February. And I’m sorry I bought myself my own chocolates for Mother’s Day and spoiled the surprise. What can I say…someone else is in control of my emotions and actions these days. The baby made me do it!!

To Charlie: I’m sorry that Mommy hasn’t been too much fun lately. I’m sorry that I turn the monitor off and go back to sleep in the morning when I can clearly hear you talking/fussing in your crib. I’m sorry (although you’re probably not) that the TV is on ALL THE TIME these days. I’m sorry that you don’t get a bath unless Daddy offers to give you one. I’m sorry that you can’t jump on my tummy. I’m sorry that you haven’t seen the light of day and have only me to play with most of the time.

To my Family and Friends: I’m sorry for all the cancelled plans and playdates. I’m sorry for my poor attendance at mom’s group. I’m sorry for missing out on all the fun. I’m sorry for not getting back to you. I’m sorry that your Mother’s Day cards will be late. I’m sorry that you haven’t seen me lately.


The Big Announcement

Well, as most of you already know, Charlie’s going to be a big sister!! My official due date is November 29th, but because it will be a repeat c-section, this baby will arrive the week of Thanksgiving, at 39 weeks. Do I mind being in the hospital during a major holiday?? Nah…the day I check out we’ll have a big feast and I’ll enjoy my first glass of wine in 9 months. It will be a celebration, and we are thrilled!!

We will be finding out the sex, the week of July 13th, to be exact. I am way too much of a control freak not to. We won’t be sharing the name with anyone (sorry, Mimi)…no front-runner’s yet, but we’d just prefer to not hear all the opinions, to be quite honest. So, you’ll know if it’s a boy or a girl, but you won’t know that we are planning to name him/her Magenta Roosevelt Bischoff. It will be a surprise for all!!!

Surfer Girl

One thing my friends know about me is that I LOVE to smell nice. While at the mall yesterday, I had to make a stop at my makeup/fragrance mecca, Sephora. Usually I just wander, trying on different scents…sometimes I don’t emerge until my hand looks like one of those painter’s palettes, covered with crazy shades of eyeshadow. This time, however, I made a huge discovery…one that makes me want to SING, that’s how happy I am…

See below: Philosophy’s new “Surfer Girl” exfoliating shower gel/lotion/lip gloss set. Not only does it have a heavenly (and I mean, heavenly) tropical, beachy scent, but it also has a slight shimmer that gives your skin just the teeniest glowy sheen. Who doesn’t want some of that??? Go get some, NOW!!